Estimate Form

Here is our easy to use project estimate form.
Just select, copy and paste Estimate Form below into the E-mail “text” window and fill out where applicable. Write your company name or festival in “Subject”
Use this link to send an e-mail to Don Grant directly.

Beginning of Form
Born Again Ministries
Labor Services Estimate Form

Name company or organization:
St. Address:
City, State, Zip:
Name event, festival or construction project:
Name of Contact:
Mobile phone:
Office phone:
Type of tasks required:
First time or repeat project?
With equipment? (pick-up, large truck, dumpster):
Date/time must be completed by:
Anticipated number of men?
Method of payment (deposit, credit card, invoice):
Purchase order #:
End of Form

Men Back to Work Services
 Festival Set-Ups & Breakdown; tents, booths, unpacking
 Demolition  Trash Hauling  Day Laborers  
 Event Cleanup - street & parking garage tail gating parties
 Construction site cleanup 
 Selected construction skill sets
 HR department assistance 
 Per Diem pricing or on fixed dollar contracts
 Daily or Continuing ongoing projects